Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Peeps ... on a stick

With a Kindergartner and two in 4K, I am always on the lookout for easy, inexpensive, creative treats for school. I could not think of anything cute for Easter, until I saw"peepsicles" on the internet. They are chocolate covered Peeps on a stick. Anything on a stick is good, so I thought they sounded cute and easy to package.

What an easy thing to make. It took less than 2 hours, start to finish to make and package about 60 of them....make that 58. Two of them had an unfortunate demise. No one is fessing up to it, but I have a feeling I know who it is!

What's the deal with Christmas/Halloween/4th of July Peeps? I can only eat them at Easter time and they HAVE to be in the shape of a yellow chick or a pink bunny. I just can't stomach eating a marshmallow Santa Claus or Pumpkin...but now, covered in chocolate....maybe!


Lydia said...

I just found your blog through Pioneer Woman! These chocolate covered peeps look delicious! i'm obsessed with peeps and LOVE chocolate! perfect combination!!

thanks for sharing such a fun idea!

Melanie said...

The peeps on a stick were GREAT! I love marshmallow and chocolate and the peeps were perfect for this! You'll love it!!

Anonymous said...

what a CUTE IDEA!!!!! I'm TOTALY doing this next year... unless they come out with star-shaped peeps for July 4th!