Monday, March 17, 2008

Shoe Heaven found at The Watermelon Patch

Well, most southerners or anyone headed down Hwy 49 in Mississippi towards the MS/AL/FL coast know about The Watermelon Patch. It is truly shoe heaven, especially flip flop heaven. On the way down to Gulfport to pick up my children from their Florida vacation with their grandmother, I made Andrew stop so I could shop. He couldn't believe all of the women in there going through Yellow Box shoe boxes, like there were hidden gold in them.

If you are a Yellow Box freak like I am, this is the place to buy them. I found at least 10 pairs that I could not live without. And, believe it or not, out of all 10 pairs I picked out, only 1 pair had a size 9 in stock that day. I had no idea so many folks wore a size 9! I did walk out of there with this crazy cute pair called "Puff." They are black with a silver leather top with silver beading.

None of the stores in Hernando/Southaven sell this style so, a ton of people have stopped me to ask where I got them. It is totally worth a day trip down to Seminary, MS to go shoe shopping. The girls at work want to go one Saturday and I can't wait! I already have my pairs picked out!

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